Annual Branch Memorial Lecture
by Ralph Roberts of McGill’s Buses, this year’s OS President.
(from 12.00 midday for lunch; 2.00 pm meeting)
Annual Branch Memorial Lecture – by Ralph Roberts of McGill’s Buses, this year’s
OS President.
At the Friends Meeting House (Room 1), Meeting House Lane, Lancaster LA1
1TX (adjacent to the Railway Station approach). Various train or bus services to Lancaster city centre. Park & Ride (Lonsdale Buses) available from M6 jct. 34. Or use city centre car parks.
Please let Geoff Cook know by previous Saturday if you would like to join an optional
lunch with the speaker at The Three Mariners, Bridge Lane, Lancaster LA1 1EE (close to Bus Station) from 12 noon. The pub and Bus Station are both about 10 mins’ walk from the meeting venue in the city centre.
It would also assist if you could let him know if you plan to attend the meeting itself.
North Western & Yorkshire
Don Akrigg - Branch Chairman