Omibus Society

Dr James Fowler

Open to all

Was London Transport an Albatross around Londoners’ Necks 1948-79?

The June 2024 LHRG meeting will be addressed by Dr James Fowler, speaking on the topic 'Was London Transport an Albatross around Londoners’ Necks 1948-79?'.   Dr Fowler last addressed LHRG in 2019 and gave the John Taylor memorial address to a joint meeting of Eastern & Southern branch and LHRG in 2023; he is a lecturer at the Essex Business School of the University of Essex.  His wider research interests focus on the finance, governance and leadership of organisations in a historical context.

The meeting will be held at 18.00 for 18.30 on Thursday, 13 June 2024 at our new venue (as already used for OS London meetings):

      The Alan Baxter Gallery, rear of 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ

      Close to Farringdon Station and buses 40, 63 and 341 on Farringdon Road.

London Historical Research Group

Chris Holland - LHRG Chairman

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